Food is Always There for You

My daughter and I were shopping yesterday and because of the supply chain issues it is sometimes difficult to find items we either need or want. This is not a complaint, just an observation. This is a difficult time for many people and we are lucky to have what we...

How Much Halloween Candy?

It is candy time which brings up so many questions in my mind about health. Can I restrain myself? What is this sugar doing to my body and my children’s bodies? How much should I let my children eat? How much is too much? We try not to have candy around in our...

How Accurate Are Health Studies?

I wanted to talk about something today I found interesting. So often you hear about the latest health study and what a particular expert found out about this disease or that one and how it is effected by diet and exercise. Yesterday it was the effects of breast cancer...

Stop Complaining and be Thankful

One of the things that I love about exercise it that it is a time for me to reflect and learn about myself. Today I went to run hills at my local park and it was very windy. I am kind of a wimp when it comes to weather. I have lived in Minnesota most of my life....

Frustration Breeds Action

When you want to make a change in your life you need a strong motivator. Sometimes it is hard to say I want to lose weight, I want to make more money, I want to be a better person, etc. and then actually accomplish what you want. If you don’t have a really...