Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are so beneficial for our bodies. Eat them liberally and make sure that you get a variety as well. I tell my children to eat their colors; dark green, yellow, orange and red so they can be strong and healthy.

What are the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables? They are packed with essential vitamins, minerals and fiber to protect your body from disease. They can lower your blood pressure, reduce your risk of heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and digestive disorders. They also keep your blood sugar regulated which helps keep your appetite in check.

Fruits and vegetables are lower in calories compared to other foods. They are a good replacement for your regular snacks if you are trying to lose weight. When I want to keep my weight down instead of telling myself I can’t eat, I tell myself I can eat, just choose a piece of fruit or some veggies instead of another more high calorie snack. It works!

How do you get enough fruits and vegetables in your diet? This will take some planning on your part. Most of all, just do your best. Have some berries in a smoothie for breakfast, a salad for lunch and one with dinner along with some steamed veggies. Grab an apple for a snack.

The way that I look at fruits and vegetables is that they clean you from the inside. You will see and feel a difference on the outside. I feel less bogged down and lighter when I eat fruits and veggies. The foods clean you naturally.

You can also eat more. I like that. When I eat my salads at lunch I fill the whole plate. My body feels satisfied and I know I am doing something good for myself. I also feel good that I am setting a good example for my children. When they were little they starting to copy me which was so exciting! They are actually asked for the vegetables I put in my salads. My daughter ate veggies with me and would pretend she was a bunny! It was so cute and I feel good that the example I am setting is actually paying off! Eat your veggies! You and your family will definitely be rewarded by the benefits!

More Healthy Eating