Gina’s Protein Smoothie
When my son was around 1 1/2 he loved his “mooey” every morning. I do not add the protein powder for him but the “mooey” is almost the same. Notice I do not give amounts of many of the ingredients. You decide how much is right for you. Sometimes I add more yogurt and sometimes I add more milk depending on what I want. The mixing container that I use says about 12oz when it is all mixed.
- one banana (I split one with my son. He get about 1/4-1/3 and I take the rest)
- blueberries
- organic whole milk plain yogurt
- organic whole milk from grass fed cows or almond milk
- one scoop of protein powder (omit for children)
Blend with a hand blender until smooth. Feel free to try any other of your favorite fruits. Enjoy!
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