Protein Pancakes

I love pancakes! However because I want to look and feel a certain way I found a few ways to make them fit into my energy burning lifestyle. I try to add some extra protein and not drown them in sugary syrups. With that said having them that way every now and then is not going to hurt anything. We never want to tell ourselves that we can’t have something. Then we will eventually go crazy and eat our forbidden food all the time!

Being a busy Mom I don’t have much time to make a meal and don’t like to use a lot of ingredients. If I can buy foods that are already semi prepared and still healthy and inexpensive I will!

I start with an organic baking mix. There are many different mixes that will work such as gluten free, extra protein or alternate grains such as buckwheat. I like a mix where I only have to add milk and eggs. To add extra protein I simple add an extra egg or two. It is that easy. When the pancakes are done I top them with berries, bananas or cooked apples. Then I add whole, plain yogurt and a little honey. It is a great pancake breakfast that you can feel good about. The honey adds just a touch of sugar. Please make sure the yogurt is plain. Flavored yogurts have much more sugar than we realize. I never eat them anymore. I always add my own fruit and honey or stevia to add sweetness. You can even add the fruit to your batter and chopped nuts or peanut butter to the mix or as toppings.

I have also tried protein powder pancakes when I wanted something with no carbs. I mixed a scoop of protein powder with a couple eggs and fried them in the pan. I also tried mixing the powder and eggs with a banana and nuts to give the mix more substance. Without anything else the batter was very thin. They turned out alright. They tasted good however the consistency was not the same as regular pancakes. They turn out thinner and more dense.

Start slow when trying new foods. Don’t make yourself feel like you have to go all out right away. Take your time and feed yourself right. Try foods that you know you like. Slowly mix in new foods one at a time. At the same time don’t be too afraid to be adventurous! You never know when you will find something you really like that will help you on your journey!

More Healthy Breakfasts:

Gina’s Protein Smoothie

Banana Nut Oatmeal