6 Months Postpartum

My son is now 6 months old and my daughter is 3! I can’t believe how fast time goes! There has been a lot of changes in our house. One big change is that I decided to stop pumping. This was such a difficult decision for me. I strongly believe in trying your best...

Eating Low Fat or Fat Free

I was flipping channels the other day and came across a show called “Too Fat for 15?” I was curious so I watched a bit. They were showing a 15 year old looking in her refrigerator and showing how she and her family were eating healthier. She showed 3 items, one was a...

Find Your Fitness Path

As I was driving to our gym today I had a thought. It is a thought that occurs to me a lot but it has always been in the back of my mind. Here it is. When I see people who look out of shape I always wonder why they are that way? This is especially true for young...

4 months postpartum – lost the baby weight!

Hi! Both kids are napping at the same time! I get to write quick. So I just found out that I have finally lost the baby weight! That makes me so happy. It felt like a struggle and that the weight was coming off very slowly. Now I look back and realize that I was fine....

3 1/2 months postpartum

Well things are going strong. After my last post I was still frustrated and I felt at a stand still. I know my body was improving but it seemed so slow. If most of you are like me you just want your old body back now! However, a lot has happened in the last few weeks....